
Software Development Trends in 2020

With the new year well underway, we have been looking at the trends that we predict will be prevalent in the coming months. With so much happening in the world of technology, we are expecting some exciting software development trends in 2020.

The Rise of AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is already being used for a number of jobs that require enhanced analytical skill, or that need to process large amounts of information with a high degree of accuracy. Some of these roles include helping doctors with diagnoses, supporting businesses with customer relationship management via chatbots, as well as providing technology for autonomous vehicles. In 2020, we are already embarking on a number of AI-projects, such as predicting the measurement of surgical implants based on x-rays. Software development companies are continuing to use automated testing, but this year we will see a lot of other aspects of software development, like code generation, being undertaken by AI. AI is predicted to be one of the bigger software development trends of 2020, with more tasks being assigned to computers for higher accuracy, reliability, and speed.


Blockchain technology may have been the reason why bitcoin became so popular, but it is no longer restricted to this single use. We previously discussed how blockchain is going to help secure Internet of Things (IoT) networks because of the data security it offers. In addition, it can also be used to create smart contracts and provide transparency to business transactions. In fact, it might be one of the fastest growing software development trends in 2020.

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Why Everyone Should Learn to Code

Most people assume coding is something only programmers or geniuses can do. However, the fact is anyone can do it and there are several advantages of learning programming or coding.

Here are five reasons why everyone should learn to code.

Five Benefits of Learning to Code

Expand Your Skillset

If you can code, you have an important skill that, even if not directly, can help you in your career. It can help you understand aspects of technology more easily than your non-coding colleagues, making you more valuable as an employee. It is quite amazing how useful coding can be in a variety of professions that seemingly have nothing to do with IT or software programming. You could be a copywriter who knows HTML, CSS and JavaScript or a photographer who could build your own portfolio website. Alternatively, you could be an accountant who can put together a mobile app or create a subroutine to automate parts of your work. Whether directly or indirectly, learning how to code can be beneficial to you in your professional life.

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How to Successfully Implement Digital Transformation for Your Business

As cloud-based technology becomes more and more popular, many businesses are moving their operations to the digital world or offering digital versions of their services. However, this is not a simple process, so we thought we’d offer some tips on how to successfully implement digital transformation for your business.

What is digital transformation?

Whilst there are multiple definitions of digital transformation, they all boil down to adopting digital technologies and solutions within your business to keep up with evolving business and market needs. Digital transformation can mean different things for different companies. For some, it might mean building a website to promote their online presence. For others, it might mean moving their services and products to cloud-based storage for ease of use, or moving their operations online to reduce physical interactions. As part of this transformation, you might also find that you could offer customers a digital way of conducting transactions or offer technology-led solutions rather than manual service. An example of this is Netflix offering video streaming services instead of renting out DVDs. As with any business transformation, it’s not simply about deciding to follow the herd and adopting digital solutions. There are factors you need to consider before you can implement digital transformation successfully. These include:

Problem Solving

Whilst you may want to ‘go digital’ just because everyone else is, the first thing you need to consider is how this transformation is going to benefit your business. Does it allow you to give customers a better service or experience? Does it make working with you easier for them? Instead of jumping in at the deep end and trying to move your entire operation to a digital format, identify which areas would benefit from digital transformation and focus your efforts there.

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Everything You Need to Know About Cyber security

It’s Cyber Security Month, so DCSL has a special blog to highlight the importance of keeping your systems safe from unscrupulous hackers! Cyber security is, and has been since the dawn of the information era, a very important aspect in our lives, regardless of whether it affects you directly or not. In today’s modern age, there is a plethora of services and systems, managing our personal information, our finances, and our social life. As such, it is becoming vital for us to stay informed on this subject and treat our digital security as we would treat our real-life security.

What is Cyber Security?

Cyber security encompasses all technologies and procedures designed to protect networks, devices, software programs, and data from cyber-attacks. These attacks target sensitive data or business processes, most commonly to extort money.

A comprehensive cyber security programme relies on People, Processes, and Technology to safeguard its systems:

People The users on the system need to be aware of basic security protocols, such as password security (having a secure password and not having the same password for different accounts), being aware of the dangers of opening untrusted attachments, and data backup. Processes These define the roles and responsibilities of individuals in the event of an attempted or even a successful cyber-attack. They also outline the procedures in place to prevent such attacks from getting through. Technology This is an umbrella term for the tools designed to protect systems from a cyber attack – firewalls, antivirus programs, DNS filtering, for example.

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How to Stay Cyber-Secure When Working From Home

Whilst working from home may help increase productivity and employee satisfaction, it also brings the risk of cyber-attacks through unsecured networks. Normally, when working from an office, employees have the benefit of working with a secure network which is monitored by their IT department. However, whilst at home, many don’t consider their own personal network security as it’s just them and their family using it. However, it is just as important at home as it is in work. In fact, if employees are accessing personal emails and messages or social media on a work laptop at home, they can be exposed to a larger pool of potentially dangerous phishing emails, scams and cyber-attacks. So, how can you be cyber-safe when working from home?

Why is Cyber Security important?

Cyber Security refers to the protection of digital information, keeping it safe from cyber criminals. Sensitive data, if it gets into the wrong hands, can be devastating for many reasons. It might mean hackers can access your private emails, bank statements or allow them to steal your identity. For companies, it is even more important to ensure that employees stay cyber-secure whilst working from home because the stakes are higher. While your personal data puts you at risk, compromised company data may affect clients and customers, as well as other employees. This may then impact on the company’s reputation and future success. As a company that understands technology, we have put together some tips that could help keep you and your employees cyber-safe whilst working from home.

Tips for Cyber Security When Working from Home Ensure WiFi and Network Security

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Cron Job Starts